Tuesday, October 2, 2007

School and Deputation

One of the ladies wrote in asking how to juggle homeschooling and deputation at the same time. To say the least, it is not easy! Some things to think about:

1. Does the material I am using for my children go well with travelling? Some material may work better than others. A Becka material can be gotten on DVD and the children can listen to it as they go down the road. PACE material can be used in traveling. Find the material that works best for you and for your children. Different children respond different ways in a home school environment.

2. Keep as strict a scedule as you possibly can. That very well may mean you will not be able to go to meetings during the week in the morning. Very graciously have your husband speak with the pastor and make sure he (the pastor) does not mind. I do not know of a pastor that would not understand your situation though I am sure there is at least one out there. Be organized and plan your schooling out. Doing it the night before will kill you and your family.

3. Understand your children. To say that all our children learn the same way and respond to situations the same is ridiculous. I have two children that could home school themselves and i have two children that homeschooling is quite difficult. The same type curriculum may not work for all your children.

4. Stay at it. This is one area that if you let up, you are a gonner. A day missed turns into a week, etc... You must be disciplined, organized and understanding for home schooling to work during deputation.

I would love some feedback that may help other ladies. Please send it to my email address howeth@mwbm.org I will try to post it for others to glean from. Thank you for your interest and questions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Bro. Tony,

When we were on the road, many times if we were only going to be short trips the kids would double up on their lessons a couple of days and then we wouldn't have to worry about it for a few days. Sometimes we would look for areas or points of interest close to where our meetings were and would use that for the lessons that day. I am all about continual teaching and learning and don't like to use a set curriculum all of the time.