Thursday, July 5, 2007

Help Is Here For Your Website

A good website can be an excellent asset to a missionary to enable him to connect and present himself and ministry clearly and convincingly to pastors that you have never met. The world, including pastors, do their research on the internet and will be grateful for an informative website to set them a little more at ease about having you in. The quality of your website will directly affect the impression that your supporters have of you. Shabby website, shabby ministry. But, the reverse is true. A sharp website can make a world of difference in that all important first impression and could put you one step closer to support and the field.
So, I encourage you to make the investment of time and money to have a website that is first class.
A good website is both be useful and informative. Make sure it includes:
- an excellent design
- pictures of you and your family
- past text of prayer letters - not where they are required to download them
- About your field
- how to contact you
- a sign up for email updates (constant contact, etc.)
- all information in your information packet (doctrine, recommendations, etc.)
- information on how and where to send support
- your deputation calendar
- biography of you and your wife
- photo album of ministry that you already have
- a link to your blog
- your informational video
A normal price for a website is up to $1500 or more to set up at most places. But, a great resource I have found for excellent custom designed websites is You may also contact Philip Bassham at 817-565-2499 for further assistance. He will do a fine job for you!

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