Monday, September 17, 2007

Pastor's Response

The following was a very encouraging response from a pastor who has started getting the blog.

I thank God in heaven for this kind of man.  We need to understand that there are some great men of God who are really trying.  Let us covenant together to pray for these dear pastors.


Hey Bro,


I hope everything is going well with you, your family ,and the ministry God has placed you in!


Bro Tony,


I signed up for your deputation tips and have been reading them for the past few months.  I have found them to be very fascinating, giving me a better understanding of what missionaries have to face and the things that concern them.


I was particularly pricked in my heart with the last email I received titled "pastors question". I plan to implement many of these ideas immediately here at RBC. 


Thanks again for your faithful work and encouraging spirit.


1 comment:

David Lundy said...

I enjoyed reading the post. I think communication is very important to the missionary. You might even say, in some cases, it is more important than the financial support coming in. I communicate with two missionaries and try to email and call them every week. I want them to know that their is some one thinking about them, praying for them, and letting them know they are not alone in the work they are doing. Also, this builds a strong friendship. I would recommend taking a field trip to country they are serving. This is not to check up on them, but take part in the work they are trying to accomplish.